Cypress International Institute University is located in VAN, Texas USA accredited by Federal State -and granted to confer academic papers up to PhD. It has satellites worldwide in different continents. Malawi is the International Satellite for studies in Regions like Asia, Middle East, Eastern Europe and Africa itself. All Students from different races on earth be
Americans, Jews, Arabs, Chinese, Indians, Russians, Africans etc study together. Its University for all races
The University’s vision is based on the History of Education on Earth when it was introduced and how it prospered the lives of people bringing about the Academic Revolution which was called CIVILIZATION in Africa and Middle East and later called RENAISSANCE when it was brought to Europe and finally established in United States of America. America was the last destination in the History of Education from Africa. On this side of Africa/Middle East there were two Great Men who were the Great Educationalists embedded with Academic Substances as forefathers of Education though they lived at different Ages and never met each other face to face. The FIRST one was MAR-EPHRAIM -THE GREAT –The Academician embedded with Academic Substances in his life who was born in 303AD and died 373AD.The SECOND one was KHAMIS-BARKHARD DKHE VINVAHYA -THE GREAT born in the year 437AD and died 502AD. The Period in which such GREATEST FIGURES IN EDUCATION appeared was called “THE AGE OF MENTAL GIANTS”. It is written in History of Education that it was around that ERA that Great Institutions of Learning were in Existence.
From the Great Academic Institutions like of Nseban, Antioch, Salaka-Thispus and Alexandria (Egypt), was poured New Life of Academics into the VEINS of Humanity.
They were these Great Educationalists who turned the World of that Day upside down in Education. With Academic Vision, they created Curriculum Research Development with powerful courses such as ASTRONOMY, POLITICAL SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY, RESEARCH SCIENCE, MEDICINE, ARCHITECTURE, LAW, MATHEMATICS, AGRICULTURE, HEALTH SCIENCES, BIOLOGY, THEOLOGY etc. The Academic Life RELEASED from the courses above geared the Revolution in the Minds of people-the
“DANCING OF THE MINDS” academically as ALBERT EINSTEN -THE GREAT called it, breaking forth into Visions, Dreams and Creativity. The FOUNDATIONAL STONE upon which Education evolves was laid down and every Educational System was anchored on that.
It was QUALITATIVE TYPE OF EDUCATION NOT TRADITIONAL ONE TRANSFORMATIVE TYPE OF EDUCATION. It was ORIGINAL-VIRGIN Education and the students of that Age when the Education was just born were GREAT IN THE MINDS. They were Great Philosophers, Great Astronomers, Great Mathematicians, Great Scientists, Great Medical Doctors. The GREATNESS was due to the Transformation of their minds academically as the result of QUALITATIVE TYPE OF ACADEMIC FOOD upon which their minds were feeding on as ACADEMIC INFORMATION is the FOOD FOR THE MIND according to the Philosophy of Education. (Its not golden and attractive buildings only as many modern people view at philosophy of Education but Academic Life released there depending on the Academic food offered by True Lectures deepened in the Knowledge and breathing the Academic breath to the students) . This is how Education was like when it was just born on Earth. This took place in Africa and Middle East – this side of the World BEFORE the World Superpowers countries of today namely EUROPE/USA/ grew in Educational System and become International and Authoritative in Education.. It was later due to Wars that Academic Centres were demolished and course materials burnt to ashes when Education was transferred to EUROPE in Italy VIA Mediterenian Sea and ITALIAN UNIVERSITY became the Second University on earth after the FALL of the FIRST UNIVERSITY called NISIBUS (First University on Earth was CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY and there was no STATE/GOVERNMENT UNIVERSITY by then. This is contrary to the present
understanding of the Foundations of University Institutions. In our Time, ANY University with few Religious courses included is NOT respected but people prefer to STATE /GOVERNMENT Universities with only Academic Courses. Any University CONNECTED to Religious Foundation is looked at as without Academic Authority and people have gone too far to the extent that Degrees/ Doctoral Degrees by such University are not paraded fully but people go for State/Government University Degrees. Its GROSS IGNORANCE to history of Education on Earth. History proves without doubts that many Universities we see today especially in USA were RELIGIOUS UNIVERSITIES at FIRST and later were CONVERTED into State/Government Universities eg Harvard University and Pennyslavia University founded by the Great Man Benjamin Franklin .It was from this side of the World (Africa/Middle East) where the FIRST REVOLUTION OF EDUCATION took place before Europe caught Academic Fire and ignite the whole Europe bearing the name of RENAISSANCE. Basing on the analysis of the History of Education above, the VISION of Cypress International Institute University is therefore to RESTORE the ANCIENT-
FOUNDATIONAL STONE OF EDUCATION which got LOST during the Academic Journey in History that’s bringing back the QUALITATIVE COURSES which release the Academic Life by OPENING the secrete “DOOR” to the MIND where Education takes places thereby gearing the Academic Journey in a life of a student to TAKE OFF (Academic Journey in a Student does not take place in a Nice ventilated and Glittering University Building as believed globally in our Traditional Education System but RATHER IN THE MIND of a Student and the FOOD for the MIND is QUALITATIVE ACADEMIC INFORMATION of any Course Subject). It must be understood that the definition of EDUCATION is the Revolution of sleeping Brain/Minds from its natural state. Its not being in class and passing traditional exams and being shifted from one class to another. One can be attending classes and passing exams that’s being graduating but yet the Brain –minds remains not revolutionized. There are many graduates with Degrees even PhD’ s but completely BLANK in the brain and one wonders how such so called graduates did their studies. Yes, the VISION of this University is to RESTORE this which was LOST resulting into TRADITIONAL
EDUCATION flooding the whole world that’s Education with PLASTIC BRAINS of so called
EDUCATION in this 21st Century we are living in. The VISION is to RECLAIM the LOST GLORY OF EDUCATION to this dying generation academically. The VISION will be fulfilled not only by Cypress International Institute University but by the working together of many Universities on Earth having the same Vision in Educational System. Its TEAM work of Universities having same VISION to bring back Education System to its Original State.
While the VISION of the Cypress International Institute University is to RESTORE THE
SYSTEM to this 21st Century Generation, the MISSION of the University is to create Transformational Educational Experience for students focussed on deep Disciplinary Knowledge, Problem solving, Leadership, Communication and Interpersonal skills, To cultivate a Transformative University Community committed to attracting and retaining diverse world class talent creating a collaborative environment open to the free exchange of ideas where Research, Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship can flourish and ensuring individuals can achieve their full potentials and to impact society in a transformative way Regionally, Nationally and Globally by engaging with the partners outside the traditional borders of the University. Yes, to provide grounded ,holistic Education with the Wide horizons and Opportunities so that people from every background can realize their true potentials contributing to a richer and happier society-striving to help students from different backgrounds fulfil their potentials. Above all in all, to provide high quality and accessible Education, Influential Research, Creative endeavours and meaningful scholarly experience in pursuit of local and global contributions to knowledge, serves, and engages a diversity of students, Life-Long Learners, communities and Global Citizens.
Speech from the Desk of Cypress International Institute University
Co-founders and Chancellors of the University Worldwide
Within this collection of addresses, the co-founders and chancellors of Cypress International Institute University, representing academic leadership from various corners of the world, share their unique visions and messages with the university community and beyond. These individual speeches reflect their personal commitments to the university’s mission and their distinct roles in advancing global education and academic excellence.
We are extremely pleased that you are deemed to have opportunity to read this exposition about the University. You are assured that after you are through, you will come to realize that the University is there to meet your Academic Vision in this World of competition. Allow us to say this that the world is looking for people who strategically fit in the world of competition. Among other reasons as to why the University was established is to build people into calibre of expertise in which our world can reliably cope with the development globally. It must be noted that Education is a key to the Development in every country on earth. There is no way a country can develop if Education is not looked into seriously.
They are Educated people who have ability to dream and envision in colour. They operate from high level of thinking called METANOIC. Developments is hidden in the Minds of people and later birthed out. They are Educated people who conceive the ability to dream, envision and finally deliver. Its not any type of Education but QUALITATIVE EDUCATION. The University is so mindful that its contribution to the Development globally should be strategically fit into Political, Social,
and Economical . It is envisaged that graduates from Cypress International Institute University will receive an Education that is globally marketable and flexible leading to highly productive careers within the various sectors of society from which the students come and to which they aspire. It is a fact that in this ERA of Advanced Information Age and Globalization many Organizations and businesses both public and private are facing challenges that demand people of calibre that should be able to institute, construct, change and cope up with and manage the driving forces of change. Cypress International Institute University is walking in the FOOTSTEPS of the First Universities on Earth. The University believes also in working together with other Universities globally to bring about the Revolution Academically.
Cypress International Institute University welcomes all interested students globally to study with it either ONLINE or IN CLASS and also other Universities globally to work together with the university as the goal is the same namely Academic Revolution globally bringing about Development on earth.
Thanks very much for taking your time to google and read this information about Cypress International Institute University and its stands in the academic world.
Cypress International Institute University being International Academic Institution which offers Education globally is globally recognized. In connection to the Government of United States of America, it is Accredited and Operates under the mandate by Federal State and granted to confer Degrees worldwide up to Doctoral Degrees. Theologically, it is Accredited by the Body called SICMI in USA. Its is also religiously accredited by Cypress International Bible Institute University in USA and Christian Leadership University : accredited by : . It has satellites allover the World. Malawi is the satellite for
Africa, Middle East, Asian Region and other Regions. It is REGISTERED with Malawi
1007700 ”
The following are International Universities which are AFFLIATES to Cypress International Institute University
1. University of Jerusalem- -INDIA
2. International MarinsKaya Academy- RUSSIA
3. Restoration International College University-USA
4. New Mexico University- MEXICO
5. AARHUS University – DENMARK
6. University of Penepolenese- GREECE
7. University of Malta- MALTA
8. Cypress International Bible Institute University-USA
9. Solid State Institute of Engineering- ROMANIA
10. Christian Leadership University- USA
11. Kingdom Life University-USA
12. Diami University-CHINA
13. University of Aachen (German)
14. University of Vigo (Spain)
15. Ramkrishna Dharmarth Foundational University (India)
16. Portsaid University (Egypt)
17. King Abdul Aziz International University (Saudi Arabia)