There is the dropping of other courses as well as adding depending on the marketability of them as well as New Researches birthing into New added courses along the Academic Journey of University in the Academics since Education is progressive Journey. The courses therefore appearing on the University Website will be CHANGING and such changes will be informed to people Internationally through its websites. There is no such a thing like ETERNAL COURSES on Cypress International Institutes University Website. Courses by University will be going by TIMES and SEASONS.

National and International Mode of Delivery by Cypress University
Cypress International Institute University offers the above Courses through the following two ways
1. Online Studies which many use worldwide as it is hard for many to be in class
2. In Class when opportunity to do so is there.
The lecturers apart from the National ones, there are others globally who are to be lecturing in different courses as Visiting International Lecturers including Professors in different fields of studies from different Universities globally especially in Academic Courses to make sure students have knowledge in every course even at International level.. The University knows challenges people face when it comes to studies. It is for this reason that any applicant to study is not forced to study the way Cypress International Institute University demands but the way a Students would like and can afford that’s why many prefer to ONLINE for Internationals ones.. Application Forms are sent to the Applicants if far away from the Satellite to fill and send back. For the process of enrolment and others further steps before classes start. Those who are near to where the Cypress International Institute University Satellite is, they are requested to go in person and fill Application Forms !!!