

An open letter to all National & International students/candidates of Cypress International Institute University


Cypress International Institute University, with its main base in the USA and an international presence in Malawi facilitating studies across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, is delighted that you’ve opted to study with us and be recognized for your achievements. We want to emphasize that Cypress International Institute University is officially registered and accredited in both the USA and Malawi, functioning as its international hub.

Our university hosts global graduation ceremonies in Malawi’s capital, Lilongwe, welcoming candidates from diverse nations to graduate and receive honorary doctoral degrees and professorships in various fields. Cypress International Institute University grants degrees ranging from associates to doctoral levels across multiple study disciplines.

In addition to academic degrees, we confer honorary doctoral degrees and professorships to individuals, both national and international. Included in the materials we’re sending are images from graduation ceremonies in Malawi and other nations, showcasing esteemed individuals receiving honorary doctoral degrees, including world leaders, legal experts, scientists, politicians, and spiritual figures from various religious backgrounds.

We encourage you to continue your educational journey with Cypress International Institute University, not only to elevate your academic standards but also to enhance your life status through the potential of receiving honorary doctorates and professorships. Submit your CVs and qualify for these distinctions.

Warm regards,

Professor Tuweh Prince G. Gadama THE GREAT – 2nd Vice Chancellor Worldwide.

Coronations of Prof Tuweh Prince G. Gadama


Professor Tuweh Negus Prince G. Gadama THE GREAT walking with the help of Golden walking Cane as Emperor (The DEAN of Cypress International Institute University and 2rd Vice Chancellor of Cypress International Institute University Worldwide)

Cypress (USA) appointed Professor Tuweh Negus Prince G.Gadama –THE GREAT as 2rd Vice chancellor Worldwide. He is the DEAN for Cypress International Institute University, looking after Studies in Africa, Middle East, and Asian Region and Eastern Europe but based in Malawi Africa


Professor Tuweh Negus Prince G.Gadama –THE GREAT after being crownd to become The Great now staged to confer doctorial and professorship awards at international graduation in 2018 which took place in Malawi

Professor Tuweh Negus Prince G.Gadama –THE GREAT awarded as The Great in global education in 2018 at Cypress International Institute University Graduation


Professor Tuweh Negus Prince Gadama THE GREAT has history of academics at International Level and one of the Greatest Authors of books touching different fields of Studies in this 21st Century and He holds different global positions in the Academic World. The following are facts academically about him and global positions in the global Academic Institutions:

  1. He is the author of 189 books touching Education, Political Science, Human Development, World History of Superpower Nations such as AMERICA, RUSSIA, CHINA, AFRICA, ETHIOPIA- Creativity books, Religious Philosophy books etc
  2. He holds several Doctoral Degrees like Doctor of Religious Philosophy, Doctor of History, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Education, Doctor of Leadership Management, Doctor of Theology and Religious Studies
  3. He is the Vice Chancellor of Cypress International Institute University looking after studies in Africa, Middle East, Asian Regions and Eastern Europe
  4. He is the Chief Secretary of International MarinsKaya Academy named after M.D SHAPOVALENKO (IMA)-International Telecommunication Education with satellites worldwide and the Continental RegistrayAFRICA as the HEAD and MOSCOW in Russia as International Head Office
  5. He is the Vice President and cofounder of Middle East, Africa , and Asian Scientific Research Association
  6. He is the Board Member of University of Jerusalem
  7. He is the Board member of Christian Leadership University-USA
  8. He is board member of Neutrosophic Scientific body headed by Professor Florentine Smarandance of New Mexico University in Mexico

He was crowned and given Emperor title of TUWEH which means “LION MAN” in Liberia on 21st February 2012Professor Tuweh Negus Prince Gadama THE GREAT is globally respected in Scientific Academic Research works as such is invited at Worldwide Scientific conferences as one of KEY SPEAKERS. The following photos features him at International Nursing Neutrosophic conferences held at Port Said University in Egypt: