Honorary Doctoral Degree and Professorships Courses


Academically, there are two classes of Doctoral and Professorship Awards which are Academic and Honorary. Academic are connected to studies and Research Works leading to passing Examinations while Honorary have nothing to do with that. Honorary Doctoral/ Professorships Awards are conferred to Special class of people who have done GREAT things Nationally or Internationally. They are Men and Women whose contributions have impacted the world in a Special way. They are people with High Dreams and Creativities in life. Such Great Men and Women can either be Highly Educated or NOT. What is honoured there is NOT HIGH EDUCATION ATTAINED but the GREAT CONTRIBUTIONS he/she has made either nationally or Internationally. Honouring a man/woman with Honorary Doctoral Degrees simply means “SALUTING THE SUCCESS OF GREAT BRAINS” .One can be Highly Educated and become PhD’s Holder or Professor but Contribute NOTHING to the Society either at National Level or International Level. Those strong papers just support him and his family and not beyond that. Statistically, Honorary Doctoral Degrees and Honorary Professorships are conferred to VERY FEW people while Academic Degrees as well as Professorships are with MANY. This reveals that Honorary are EXPENSIVE (Not in terms of buying) and not easily conferred. This proves that they are TOO POWERFUL and INFLUENTIAL than Academic ones. This is hardly believed by Modern System of Education. Today people parade Academic Doctoral and Professorships Awards and disrespect Honorary Doctoral and Professorship ones that’s a SIGN that they know NOTHING about Education. Just as good as not every University confers PhDs due to the Standards, so too are Honorary Doctoral Degrees and Professorships. They are not conferred by any School just because it is labelled “University”. The reason why many Universities offer Academic Degrees from Diploma ,Bachelors ,and STOP at Master’s Degree reveal the different horizons of the Universities academically. Those who confer PhD’s Academically, are mandated also to confer Honorary Doctoral Degrees/ Awards. Geographical LOCATION of the University has nothing to do with it. The University is not to be found in EUROPE/USA/ASIA etc to qualify conferring Honorary Doctoral Degrees/Professorships. The University from Middle East –Arabic countries, Asian Region as well as African Universities can do that. Again there is no SPECIAL RACE/SKIN COLOUR who are professionals in conferring Honorary Doctoral/Professorship Awards. There is no room for RACISM in Education There are other people who would love to be honoured by a Man with SKIN COLOUR of their choice. Others desire to be honoured by a Special Man may be from Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Plato-very peculiar in outlook. This is GROSS IGNORANCE because there in NOTHING in a SKIN COLOUR of a person which contributes to Education. It’s the Strength of the University academically and globally. Again AGE has nothing to do in connection to Honorary Doctoral Degrees. Alexander the Great –Political Leader of Greek Empire shook the World upside when he was 21 YEARS OLD. He became THE GREAT while he was too young. He died at the Age of 31. Conferring HONORARY DOCTORATE on him at the AGE of 21 would not have been WRONG. Its not the AGE of a man BUT THE GREAT CONTRIBUTIONS HE/SHE HAS MADE TO THE
WORLD !!! Its NOT only to the TOP HEADS OF STATES politically as we see today but to GREAT achievers nothing more or less. According to the History of Education, CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITIES were the First ones to start conferring both Academic and
Honorary Doctoral Degrees/Professorships on earth. This is proved by History and that was BEFORE the STATE/GOVERNMENT UNIVERSITIES appeared on the Scene.. 

According to the HONORARY DEGREES POLICY historically, it is written that Honorary Doctoral Degree/Professorships were introduced with the purpose of Recognizing Distinguished Faculty, Educators and other Dignitaries from all works of life. Interestingly,
Honorary Doctoral Degrees and Professorships were also to be conferred to Deserving, Qualified and Experienced Religious Leaders. Unfortunately, in our generation, its only “HEADS OF STATES” and “CELEBRITIES” mainly conferred and very FEW individuals here and there who are honoured though there are Great Men and Women who have done Greatest things/Achievements on Earth but hardly recognized just because they are not popular in the eyes of people. Sometimes TOUGH AND STRONG CONDITIONS are attached to the conditions for University to confer that Honorary Doctoral Degree/ Professorship so much that only RICH people qualify. Its rare in our time to see JOURNALISTS, EDUCATORS, LAWYERS ,POLITICIANS WHO ARE NOT HEADS OF STATES, RELIGIOUS LEADERS, GREAT MUSICIANS, GREAT HISTORIANS, GREAT RESEARCH SCIENTISTS, GREAT ARCHAEOLOGISTS, GREAT AUTHORS, MEDICAL DOCTORS/NURSES, BIG FARMERS, KINGS/EMPERORS, GREAT LEADERS etc being honoured with Honorary Doctoral Degrees/ Professorships. Its only PRESIDENTS OR lord SO and SO and many of them too rich and popular figures on earth. A poor man though has done GREATEST THINGS will never be honoured in this generation. Others believe in SPEAKING “ENGLISH” as QUALIFICATION to be honoured. It must be known once for all that ENGLISH LANGUAGE is just like any other language on Earth like French, Swahili, Portuguese, Latin, Chichewa etc. Speaking ENGLISH does not mean that one is NOW EDUCATED that’s blue/white lie or colonialism type of thinking. Education is not in LANGUAGES but in the MINDS-BRAIN !! English Language has never been yardstick to measure the length, width, depth and Height of Academics of a Man and it will NEVER be. One can be honoured whether he/she speaks ENGLISH or NOT. As the VISION of Cypress International Institute University is TO RESTORE the Ancient Academic System back to this 21st Century Generation, it has also restored the HONORARY DOCTORAL AND PROFESSORSHIP AWARDS back to the Academic System. The University confers Honorary Doctoral Degree and Professorships Papers in many fields like :

  • Doctor of Divinity                                 
  • Doctor of Theology and Religious Studies
  • Doctor of Law
  • Doctor of Missiology
  • Doctor of Science of Law
  • Doctor of Christian Leadership
  • Doctor of Criminal Justice
  • Doctor of Leadership Management
  • Doctor of Philosophy
  • Doctor of History
  • Doctor of Juridical Science
  • Doctor of Education
  • Doctor of Jurisprudence
  • Doctor of Literature and Philosophy
  • Doctor of Canon of Law
  • Doctor of Security Management
  • Doctor of Research Scientific Works               
  • Doctor of Criminology
  • Doctor of Humanities
  • Doctor of Leadership Management and Doctor of Philosopy
  • Doctor of Missiology 
  • Doctor of Political Science                                
  • Doctor of Education
  • Doctor of Musicology
  • Doctor of Literature and Philosophy
  • Doctor of Theology and Religious Studies
  • Doctor of Security Management
  • Doctor of Christian Leaderships
  • Doctor of Military Science
  • Doctor of Leadership Management
  • Doctor of Rehabilitation
  • Doctor of Archaeology and Paleontology
  • Doctor of Science in Vetenary Medicine
  • Doctor of Public Service
  • Doctor of Public Health
  • Doctor of Letters
  • Doctor of Naprapathic Medicine
  • Doctor of Humane Letters
  • Doctor of Social Work
  • Doctor of History and Heritage
  • Doctor of Chemistry
  • Doctor of Dental Surgery
  • Doctor of Architecture
  • Doctor of Health Sciences      
  • Doctor of Business Administration
  • Doctor of Library Sciences
  • Doctor of Applied Science
  • Doctor of Design
  • Doctor of Ministry etc
  • Doctor of Social Sciences
  • Doctor of Modern Languages
  • Doctor o f Musical Arts
  • Doctor of Public Administration
  • Doctor of Forest
  • Doctor of Philosophy of Art (Honorary doctoral degrees for those in different SPORTS etc)
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